
Alfaisal University signed a ten year agreement with PHMI to provide consultations, review course materials and work together on curricular development as well as academic programs.

A committee of senior professor from MIT was formed to design the Engineering program.

International Space University Alfaisal university signed a memorandum of understanding with ISU to develop relationships internationally and to share knowledge

King Faisal Specialist Hospital (KFSH)King Faisal Specialist Hospital Alfaisal university signed 5 year agreement with (KFSH) to include training, research and studies.

King Abdul-Aziz city for Science and Technology and Alfaisal University signed an agreement with KACST to share research expertise, laboratories and facilities.

Alfaisal University signed an MOU with (SOIETZ) to collaborate on research and achieve common goals. The two parties will work together to support industrial Saudi Organization.

French Aerospace company (THALES)French Aerospace company Alfaisal university collaborated with (THALES) to design Programs for college of Busines.

Baud Telecom Company Alfaisal university signed a memorandum of understanding with (BTC) to design and implement the IT infrastructure and provide networking active components.

Alfaisal university signed a memorandum of understanding with (SWCC) to form a coordination committee represented equally by both parties in order to organize, Saline Water Conversion Corporationmanage and supervise parties' collaborative projects and research.